El Sagrado Farm Logo Mark White

El Sagrado Farm & Retreat Center

Agriculture, a sacred task

El Sagrado Farm’s mission is to develop and practice carbon-neutral, regenerative, organic, biodynamic agriculture and a lifestyle which exemplifies the possibility of living in harmony with the earth. El Sagrado Farm is an organic farm that uses biodynamic practices to foster increased resilience and fertility in an age of extreme weather and climate change. Nature has inherent self-healing properties. Given some help, soil regenerates and becomes robust and rich. When soil is fed with cover crops and compost, when biodynamic practices are used to channel etheric energy from the planets and the stars, when land is dedicated to wildlife and elemental beings…… the farm organism evolves and becomes more complex, diversity happens and new possibilities emerge. We embrace a path of kindness and inclusivity. We are politically engaged and active defenders of the planet.

Fresh Tomatoes

Sustainable Farm

Evening Big House In Fall

Retreat Center

4 Horned Ram

Our Shop